
发布时间:2024年08月26日 作者:表面工程分会 文章来源:表面工程



188金宝搏网址 表面工程分会

大连理工大学  山东理工大学



Journal of Physics: Conference Series

表面工程作为一门新兴的交叉学科,涉及面宽,应用面广。通过表面工程再设计和制造,使材料表面赋予特殊的性质,如表面功能化、表面强化、表面防护、表面装饰等。近年来,随着我国与国际互通合作的日益加深,表面工程领域的国际交流也越来越多,为了增强我国表面工程领域与国际学者间的深入交流及合作,在成功举办前8届表面工程国际会议的基础上,经188金宝搏网址 表面工程分会第七届主任委员会讨论同意,本次第9届表面工程国际会议将在大连举办。

       本届会议组委会提供出版机会,有出版意向者在会议官网提交全文,并选择出版,会议收录的全英文稿件经审核录用后将以第9届表面工程国际会议论文集的形式在Journal of Physics: Conference Series(ISSN: 1742-6596)出版,线上出版时间:2025年2月前,出版后2个月内将提交至EI Compendex和Scopus检索。欢迎广大从事表面工程领域的学者、工程技术人员和学生踊跃投稿。具体事宜参见会议征稿信息

本届会议现征集志愿审稿专家,评审您所属的专题或者所擅长的专题(英文审稿),协助学术委员会把控论文集质量。如您有意担任审稿专家,请发送信息(姓名,单位,职称,研究方向以及个人简介或官方网页链接)至icse2024@126.com,我们会逐一审核登记,后期有合适的文章会主动联系您协助审稿。联系人:董雪 18827612200 


薛群基 中国工程院院士
谢友柏 中国工程院院士西安交通大学
周 廉 中国工程院院士  西北有色金属研究院
丁传贤 中国工程院院士
侯保荣 中国工程院院士  中国科学院海洋研究所
周克崧 中国工程院院士  广东省科学院
王华明 中国工程院院士  北京航空航天大学
严新平 中国工程院院士  武汉理工大学
宫声凯 中国工程院院士  北京航空航天大学
涂善东 中国工程院院士  华东理工大学
单忠德 中国工程院院士  南京航空航天大学
葛世荣 中国工程院院士  中国矿业大学
李 琳 英国皇家工程院院士
朱剑豪 教授 香港城市大学
徐可为 教授 西安交通大学
陈建敏 研究员  中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所


雷明凯 188金宝搏网址 表面工程分会主任委员
郑宏宇 山东理工大学教授
于振涛 马欣新 马胜利 马天宝 王国彪 王福会
王 为 王江涌 冯 凯 冯 晶 田修波 代明江
刘 敏 刘宣勇 刘 莹 刘 燕 刘宪文 刘娅莉
朱旻昊 朱嘉琦 乔培新 孙冬柏 孙 超 李长久
李红轩 李刘合 李文亚 李 垚 纪岗昌 张俊彦
张启富 张显程 张振宇 张 伟 张 津 何光宇
汪爱英 汪怀远 汪瑞军 冷永祥 陈华伟 陈同舟
肖 鑫 杨冠军 周香林 庞晓露 贺定勇 段海涛
姚建华 姜肃猛 顾冬冬 涂 溶 曾晓雁 董仕节
董汉山 蒲吉斌 解国新 谭 俊 憨 勇 薛文斌
魏世丞 魏建军

李昱鹏 大连理工大学教授
吴永玲 山东理工大学教授
段金弟 188金宝搏网址 表面工程分会秘书长
蔡志海 陆军装甲兵学院教授

丁运虎 卫国英 马天宝 马国佳 王卫泽 王少鹏
王玉江 王亚明 王 刚 王军军 王启民 王胜民
王洪涛 王铁钢 王
 强 韦国科 亓东峰 文 
邓畅光 邓春明 卢
 静 白会平 冯煜东 吉 
朴钟宇 朱小鹏 朱红梅 伍廉奎 刘秀波 刘思思
刘晓刚 刘亚华 闫星辰 关秉羽 江 莉 祁正兵
 珲 孙晓光 孙晓峰 孙德恩 孙耀宁 杜三明
李文生 李志方 李 朋 李昱鹏 李铸国
李瑞峰 李玉阁 杨丽景 肖
 巍 肖 鑫 吴志立
吴忠振 沈明学 张广安 张达威 张
 超 张 
 辉 陈 磊 陈守刚 林乃明 林松盛 杭瑞强
罗莊竹 岳
 文 所新坤 金 杰 金 国 周艳文
 晖 周野飞 庞晓露 郎文昌 项顶顶 赵蒙意
战永刚 钟 勉 徐玉福 徐雅欣 高 
常可可 崔庆新 程玉贤 程江波 曾大新 蔡振兵
 增 管迎春 雒晓涛 潘学民 鞠鹏飞 魏秋平

秘书: 超  董 雪  车宏龙 刘明明


  • S1 表面微纳制造、先进制造装备与工艺:主要包括激光材料加工、微纳制造、增材制造、精密与超精密加工等;

  • S2 薄膜涂层研究与应用:物理/化学气相沉积、真空镀膜设备与工艺、多元金属薄膜材料与性能、金属表面涂层制造;

  • S3 纳米材料及纳米涂层:纳米涂层制备及工艺,溶胶凝胶材料与涂覆工艺、纳米复合功能材料、纳米表面工程与再制造,纳米结构设计及分析技术;
    会议召集人:吴永玲、Ashish Yadav、刘明明

  • S4 热/冷喷涂涂层材料与工艺:主要包括热/冷喷涂最新装备与技术、喷涂材料的制备,涂层表面的结构与性能分析等内容;

  • S5 智能涂层、生物涂层、光学涂层:主要包括智能传感材料和涂层、光学材料、生物涂层等的设计和制造;


海外一般代表300美元, 学生代表200美元 (以学生证为准)。




●2024年05月22日 会议第一轮通知
●2024年07月20日 会议第二轮通知
2024年09月20日 会议第三轮通知
2024年10月10日 会议第四轮通知(会议程序册)
●2024年10月18日 会议报到
●2024年10月19日 大会报告
2024年10月20日 分论坛报告
●2024年10月21日 论文出版投稿截止


188金宝搏网址 表面工程分会
段金弟 13971036507
 超 18971299299
李昱鹏 15842490631
车宏龙 13555943451

刘明明 19862516876, mmliu@sdut.edu.cn

 建 15810878528, hujian@sdut.edu.cn
张秀丽 15064351998, zhangxiulli@163.com
郭前建 13969397001


18 – 20 October 2024, Dalian City, China

Theme: “Green and High Efficient Surface Engineering for Global Sustainable Environment”

The Organizing Committee is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 9thInternational Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE 2024).

Surface engineering is a multi-disciplinary field that involves a wide range of sciences and technologies. Unique surface properties including surface functionalization, surface strengthening, surface protection and surface decoration have been created by green and high efficient surface engineering technologies. New and improved processes and coating materials are being researched and developed worldwide, which will contribute significantly to both economic development and global environmental sustainability. Chinese Surface Engineering Institution is a sub-branch of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES)which is a well-established academic association. It has organized consecutively 14 times National Surface Engineering Conferences and 8 times the International Conferences on Surface Engineering (ICSE). These conferences had been very well attended by both domestic and overseas researchers and corporations. The 9th International Conferences on Surface Engineering (ICSE 2024) will be held in the beautiful city of Dalian, in the Northeast part of China.

The ICSE 2024 will focus on the current research topics by international society of surface engineering, including: environmental protection and green manufacturing, new energy and new materials, high-end equipment manufacturing, achieving carbon footprint and carbon neutrality goals, surface engineering and high-end intelligent manufacturing etc. The conference will promote the international collaborative development in surface engineering, provide a conducive platform for academic exchanges and networking among researchers, and for industrial participants to gain insight of the latest technology development in surface engineering and advanced manufacturing. We warmly welcome all researchers, engineers, academic publication media and companies to participate in the conference to present your latest research results, to network with your peers and collaborators, and to showcase your technologies and products.

Sponsored by

Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society – Surface Engineering Institution (CMES)

Organized by

Dalian University of Technology (DUT)
Shandong University of Technology (SDUT)

Supported by

Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering, CAS
Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, CAS
Institute of Metal Research, CAS
Institute of New Materials,Guangdong Academy of Sciences
Wuhan Research Institute of Materials Protection
Dalian University of Technology
Xi’an Jiaotong University
University of Science and Technology Beijing
Southwest Jiaotong University
Harbin Institute of Technology
China University of Metrology
Ningbo University
State Key Laboratory of Special Surface Protection Materials and Application Technology

Co-organized by

To be updated

Associated Media

China Surface Engineering, Materials Protection,

Journal of Physics: Conference Seriesby IOP

Abstract and Paper Publication:

The organizing committee of this conference provides publishing opportunities. Interested parties can submit their full texts manuscript in English on the conference website. The manuscripts will be reviewed by panel reviewers and if accepted, will be published in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series (ISSN: 1742-6596) as proceedings of the 9thInternational Conference on Surface Engineering. The online publication time will be in February 2025. The proceedings will be submitted to EI Compendix and Scopus for retrieval. Welcome scholars, engineers, and students engaged in the field of surface engineering to actively submit their papers.

Call for reviewers:

The academic committee would like to invite volunteer peer reviewers to help review the abstracts and manuscripts to ensure the quality of papers. If you are interested in serving as a peer reviewer, please send your information (name, affiliation, professional title, research direction, and personal profile or official website link) to icse2024@126.com. We will contact you in the reviewing process in due time. Contact person: Ms Dong Xue at 18827612200.

Conference Topics include but not limited to:

1.Surface Micro-Nano fabrication and Additive Manufacturing
Laser materials processing, micro-nano fabrication processes and equipment, laser cladding, precision and ultra-precision machining, 3D additive manufacturing

2. Thin Film Technologies and Applications
Vacuum deposition, vapour deposition, electro-spinning, self-assembly, plasma assisted surface treatment, and various thin film technologies, and their industrial applications

3. Nano-materials and Nano-coatings
Nanomaterials chemical synthesis, sol-gel coating technologies, nano-functional coating materials, metal an non-metal nano-composites, surface nano-structures, test and characterization of surfaces & coatings, design and simulation of nanostructures

4. Thermal/Cold Spray Coating Technologies
Solid based materials, hot/cold spray coatings, latest equipment and technology of hot/cold spraying, materials preparation and processing for hot/cold spraying, surface modifications, surface decorative coatings, bio-coatings

5. Intelligent Coatings, biological coatings, & optical coatings
Including the design and manufacturing of intelligent sensing materials and coatings, optical materials, biological coatings, etc.

Important Dates

2ndConference Announcement: 20 July 2024
3rdConference Announcement: 20 Sept 2024
Final Conference Announcement with Programs: 10October 2024

On-site registration: 18 October 2024
Conference Plenary Session: 19 October 2024
Conference Parallel Sessions: 20 October 2024
Deadline for full paper submission: 21 October 2024

Registration and Accommodation

Registration Fees(including conference program)

1) Members of the Surface Engineering Institution

  • RMB1500 yuan/person for delegates

  • RMB 1000 yuan /person for students (proof of student card)

  • Domestic: RMB1800 yuan/person for general delegates,

  • RMB1200 yuan/person for student (proof of student card)

  • Overseas: US$300/person for general delegates; US$200/person for students (proof of student card).

Hotels:to be advised

  • Accommodation and transportation expenses shall be borne by delegates

Conference website: http://icse2024.bmgc.org/

Conference E-mail: icse2024@126.com

Conference Secretariat:

For enquiries, please contact:
Mr. Duan Jindi, Tel. 13971036507
Mr. Jiang Chao, Tel. 18971299299
Dr. Li Yupeng, Tel. 15842490631
Dr. Che Honglong, Tel. 13555943451

Dr. Liu Mingming, Tel. 19862516876
Dr. Zhu Jian, Tel. 15810878528
E-mail: zhujian@sdut.edu.cn
Dr. Zhang Xiuli, Tel. 15064351998

Prof. Guo Qianjian, Tel. 13969397001



编辑: 钟永刚

发布单位: 188金宝搏网址 总部综合管理处

